hcmf// Justė Janulytė

Photo of Anselm Kiefer's Seven Heavenly Palaces at Hangar Bicocca, by: Gampe - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70618256

Ligeti Quartet present a re-imagining of Justė Janulytė’s 2018 work for four string quartets, titled for a word game of geometric figures. In the original, the groups are placed around the audience, forming a square, whilst the music moves in circular patterns. In this new version, Ligeti Quartet will perform amplified with three pre-recorded layers played back in quadraphonic speaker formation.

Janulytė describes her music as ‘monochrome’ and her works can be thought of as sonic objects, with colour, density, shape and temperature which slowly evolve over time. They bring together minimalist aesthetics with a spectral soundworld and often call to mind the intricate, micropolyphonic textures of Ligeti Quartet’s namesake.

Produced by hcmf// supported by Lithuanian Culture Institute and Music Information Centre Lithuania; also supported by Hinrichsen Foundation and Vaughan Williams Foundation